
Showing posts from 2018

Chapter 11: Arrive of the Hero

As my warriors and I sailed across the icy sea towards Hrothgar's kingdom, We sailed through the gray, foggy sky and then suddenly the sky began to clear and there it was, the land of the Danes. As soon as my warriors and I approached the sand, we were approached by a man with a large spear. He charged down towards our ship and said, "What are ye, bearers of armour, dressed in mail-coats, that have thus come riding your tall ship over the sea-road, winter-cold ocean, here to Daneland?" (153) Gently I responded making sure not to anger the man holding a sharp spear I said, " We're Geats, the hearth-companions of King Hygilac. You've heard of my father. A famous old man named Ecgtheow" I explained that I was here to complete what has been portrayed throughout the land as an insurmountable task. The guards seemed to be accepting of us and we began to walk towards Herot. From there we would eat and I would fuel my body for the impending battle. We march...

Chapter 12: The Final Battle

I laid in my bed waiting patiently for the great monster to arrive and take his meal. Slowly I heard the creak of the mead hall door and then he arrived. Slowly, sneakily, he "stepped onto the brightly shining floor and angrily advanced on them." (168) He began to laugh, he disgusts me. He grabbed a hold of one of my warriors and began to eat him, gnawing and devouring him, blood spilling everywhere. Unsatisfied I saw him walking towards me, I quickly shut my eyes and he slowly began to reach down and grab me. Before the monster could satisfy his hunger I jolted awake and jumped out of the bed, shocking him. I had him trapped in the palm of my hand, I pinned him down so he was unable to move, he looked both confused and scared, and now my mission begins. With the monster in the palm of my hand, I felt a rush of excitement. I felt like I was in control, his life was in my hands and he was not escaping. My blood boiled at the sound of his voice, how could he eat my men? He...

Chapter 8: Orphan of Scylding

Love is in the air throughout the land of Scylding. Seems to me that Hrothgar, king of Scylding, expanded his generosity not just throughout his kingdom but within his family household as well. After Hrothgar's brother, Hrothulf, was killed Hrothgar and Wealtheow took in his son with open arms. But could that have been a mistake? Hrothgar and his beautiful wife already two beautiful children, will Halga be a beautiful addition to the family or will he be the ruining of the kingdom?  When Hrothulf first became Hrothgar's house guest he does not seem to be a very polite one. When the stunning Wealtheow happily stated that Hrothulf was "Hrothgar's flesh and blood," he rudely responded with "So I'm told." (page 112) But of course, all that is forgotten when there is an extravagant party happening with chants of the king's eternal life throughout the whole mead hall, "Long live the king, to whom we owe all joy!" (page 113) As days grew ...

Chapter 7: The Sunshine of the Valley

It has now been a few months since the darkness has grown in my heart. I believe that my enemies define themselves (as the dragon said) on me. It has only been a few weeks and I have already witnessed more fighting. The fight just so happened to be with more than two people. It was between two kingdoms. The fight between the two kingdoms was a brutal bloodbath. The only way for the tragic battle between the two kingdoms to end was something called a treaty, but this treaty was not a piece of paper it was a person. The person was none other than the Queen, Queen Wealhtheow. She was beautiful and she surrendered herself with the dignity of a sacrificial virgin. (page 100) Why would someone so beautiful give herself up for the sake of pleasing others? I observed her beauty for weeks trying not to crush her bones. It seemed that she was not happy at all, she was only truly happy when her brother showed up. She cannot be so kind without having any evil in her blood, it was my job t...

Chapter 6: One Dragon Conversation Later.

Following my meeting with the dragon, I started to question the significance of this world and life as a whole. Humans have so many mixed emotions, it's too complicated to keep up with them. But one thing for sure that humans tend to keep consistent is, trying to kill me.  Once I left the dragons swampy lair, I had yet another unfortunate meeting with humans and guess they do not get enough of trying to getting rid of me from this world. The mortifying dragon put a charm on me, slowly my inner thoughts made me think that I could walk up to the mead-hall whenever I pleased, and they were powerless. I could feel my heart become darker than that. After being mercilessly attacked by humans I could not take it anymore the anger filled inside me making my blood boil as I prepared myself for battle I yelled: "I was Grendel, Ruiner of Meadhalls, Wrecker of Kings!" After the attack a few nights ago, I realized that the dragon's charm could actually come in handy, I can fina...