Chapter 7: The Sunshine of the Valley

It has now been a few months since the darkness has grown in my heart. I believe that my enemies define themselves (as the dragon said) on me.

It has only been a few weeks and I have already witnessed more fighting. The fight just so happened to be with more than two people. It was between two kingdoms. The fight between the two kingdoms was a brutal bloodbath. The only way for the tragic battle between the two kingdoms to end was something called a treaty, but this treaty was not a piece of paper it was a person. The person was none other than the Queen, Queen Wealhtheow. She was beautiful and she surrendered herself with the dignity of a sacrificial virgin. (page 100) Why would someone so beautiful give herself up for the sake of pleasing others?

I observed her beauty for weeks trying not to crush her bones. It seemed that she was not happy at all, she was only truly happy when her brother showed up. She cannot be so kind without having any evil in her blood, it was my job to figure it out. So I started making a game plan on how to kill her. I would begin by holding her over the fire and cooking the ugly hole between her legs. I laughed harder at that. I would squeeze out her feces between my fists. (page 109) What a cruel way to kill someone you might think but she is very frustrating on how such a kind-hearted selfless person can be so understanding and do anything to please bloodsuckers no matter what the stakes were.

Work Cited:

Gardner, John. Grendel. Vintage Books Edition , 1971. 
“Wealhþeow.” Beowulf Wiki, 2007, 

Senoemo, director. Queen Wealtheow In Beowulf. Queen Wealtheow In Beowulf, YouTube, 14 Dec. 2007, 


  1. I really like how you voiced Grendel's view of Wealtheow. The message came across very clearly. You also did a great job tying your narrative into the philosophy behind the chapter. The image of Wealtheow you chose is also great because it helped me see her through the eyes of Grendel. I like the video you chose as well. Overall I really like this post and you do a great job of voicing Grendel.

  2. Once again, I agree with your blog. The picture at the ens captures Wealtheow's beauty and inncence very well. I agree with your blog because I too noticed that Grendel is that Wealtheow has some sort of trance on him and he wants to get rid of it. Since his meeting with the dragon, Grendel has become more evil and wants to harm the humans. Which leads Grendel to want to get rid all of the good in the world, thus leading him to want to kill Wealtheow in a vicious way. I like how in your blog you were able to show Grendel's anger towards Wealtheow's kind actions and how he wants to get rid of them.


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