Chapter 6: One Dragon Conversation Later.

Following my meeting with the dragon, I started to question the significance of this world and life as a whole. Humans have so many mixed emotions, it's too complicated to keep up with them. But one thing for sure that humans tend to keep consistent is, trying to kill me. 

Once I left the dragons swampy lair, I had yet another unfortunate meeting with humans and guess they do not get enough of trying to getting rid of me from this world. The mortifying dragon put a charm on me, slowly my inner thoughts made me think that I could walk up to the mead-hall whenever I pleased, and they were powerless. I could feel my heart become darker than that. After being mercilessly attacked by humans I could not take it anymore the anger filled inside me making my blood boil as I prepared myself for battle I yelled: "I was Grendel, Ruiner of Meadhalls, Wrecker of Kings!" After the attack a few nights ago, I realized that the dragon's charm could actually come in handy, I can finally take revenge for all the times those foul humans tried to kill me. Now it is my turn to start my war battle. 

One thing I cannot understand is why humans cannot leave me alone? What is so special about humans and being so superior from me? I had an unusual guest follow me home today. It was none other than the famous hero of Scylding, Unferth. After having a conversation with the famous hero he made me realize that heroes do not have such an easy life, they might be superior and high in status. I believe I underestimated them and their struggles. But that's for another day, until next time. 

Work Cited: 
Gardner, John. Grendel. Vintage Books Edition , 1971. 

Wallpaper-House. “Toothless Wallpaper.” Toothless Wallpaper Group (33+), 

“Wild Cute Animals Making Human Friends Compilation 2014 NEW .” Wild Cute Animals Making Human Friends Compilation 2014 NEW, YouTube, 9 Dec. 2014, 


  1. I like how you touched on the meeting with the Dragon. I also like how you went in depth on Grendel's feelings and inner thoughts. I also thought it was cool that you used toothless as your image for the Dragon. I think that you should not have used the second picture of Toothless however because it disputes the image of the scary dragon. I wish you would've gone more in depth on Unferth and his "heroic actions". The video choice was also great because of how you tied Unferth and Grendel as sort of friends .You can also directly link your video into the blog.

  2. Wow! This blog is amazing! Most of the concepts you talked about in your blog are ones that I also discussed in my own blog as well. One thing that i noticed is that after Grendel meets with the dragon, he becomes more sinister and violent with humans. He wants to torture them as much as possible. The dragon evokes a change in Grendel, one that even he notices. Overall, I enjoyed reading your blog because it was well put together and gives the reader more of an insight to what Grendel could be thinking. You truly opened my eyes and ears to the deep and twisted character of Grendel all while keeping it simple.


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